Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Am Alive!

Wow! It sure has been awhile since I last posted something. Where does the time go?! Let's see...the last time I posted something, I was just starting out my "40 Days of Healing" journey. I posted past writings during that first week and haven't posted since. I'm really sorry about that. Life got in the way. ;) I finished my "40 Days of Healing" on August 16, 2010. And let me tell you. It was worth it! My life changed drastically for the better. Does that mean, everything goes well 24/7? NO!!! In fact, I'm having a "down" time right now as I write. But even though things get tough, I have a better perspective on things. And my relationship with my Heavenly Father has gotten to a point where I depend on Him. Do I always deal with situations the way He wants? Not always. I'm still human, and I still make mistakes. But He is patient with me and guides me along the way whether I pay attention to Him or not. I hope to blog again on a regular basis. However, this week is Thanksgiving, and next week my husband is on vacation, so I'm not sure how regular I will be for the next two weeks, but I will do my best. I have learned a lot of things since those "40 Days," and I want to share with you what I have learned along my journey these last few months. And God has given me a few more writings that I hope to share with you in the near future.
Life is tough! I know that. And sometimes, life stinks. But we have a God who loves each of us. And He is here with His arms wide open ready to take us under His care and to guide us each step along the way during this really tough journey we call "life". Please travel it with me, and let's learn the lessons of life together.

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