Monday, June 14, 2010
Is God Enough?
Is God Enough? A question that keeps coming to mind lately. Is God really enough? As a child of God, I would say, "Yes. He's God. He's holy, righteous, and pure. He is love. He created the universe just by speaking. The winds and waves obey Him when He speaks. He is my Shepherd. I am His sheep. So God is enough." So, then, why am I having such a hard time with this concept of God being enough? When there is no one else, there is always God. He never leaves us nor forsakens us. When others abandon us, God doesn't. God knows everything about us - the good, the bad, and the ugly - and He still loves us. He still gives us grace and mercy. He is still here. So, why then, am I having a hard time with this? Why does this question keep coming to mind? Right now, it seems as though it's just me and God. Everyone else has left - or so it seems. I don't hear their voices. I don't receive their emails. It's just me and God. And yet, I feel so lonely. If God is enough, and I am His child, then why do I feel so lonely? Why do I feel as though I need others to make my life complete? God is enough! That's what I keep telling myself - He's enough, I don't need others to be fulfilled. And yet, the loneliness lingers like a bad odor. The tears flow like a raging river. Is God really truly enough??? If you are a Christian, your response will quickly be, "Of course, God is enough!!" And you may wonder why I could be struggling with this as much as I am. Well, I'm wondering the same thing as to why I'm struggling with this question/concept. If you are not a Christian, or just don't really think about God, you may or may not be struggling with this same question. I think about this question constantly trying to understand. My spirit knows the truth - yes, God is enough; however, trying to convince my mind and emotions of this fact is really hard at the moment. But as I ask myself that question over and over again, I can't help but sense that God is trying to teach me something. As though He's wanting to get me to understand it all at a deeper level. As though He may be preparing me for something. Is God enough? If I'm having problems with this question, maybe there are others who struggle with it too. Deep down, I know that God IS definitely enough. Now the trick is to get my mind and emotions to believe it as well. And then to live life according to that fact - that God IS enough. And that I really don't need anyone/anything else in my life. And just maybe, God is doing some pruning to this child of His. And maybe it's more than just believing that He is enough, but also living as though He's enough. And as I type this blog post, I am reminded of a writing I did back in November. And I guess, tomorrow I will post that. Because maybe that writing fits in with this writing (post)..."Surrender".
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