Yesterday, I posted four different pictures, and asked you to answer a few questions for each of them. In my opinion, each of those four pictures probably would not get sold for various reasons. Separately, the pictures are really nothing worth displaying on a wall. One or two may even be considered ugly. Some people who look at the four pictures I posted yesterday may wonder what the point is to those pictures. Why would anyone take those pictures to begin with? Well, I took those four pictures. But I didn't take those pictures separately. Those four pictures are just parts of the above picture. And I think this picture is beautiful. I don't think it's beautiful because I took the picture. I think the scenery itself is beautiful. So what's the point to all of this? What's the lesson?
God knows everything. He knows the past, present, and future about everything and everyone. He sees the whole picture. We only see the parts - our parts. When we experience hard times, trials, "storms", we don't honestly understand. We hate those times. We wish we never had them. We want the good times to remain all of the time. Sometimes we don't understand how any good can come out of our difficult times. Some situations aren't pretty. In fact, some of them are down right ugly. And we would just love for all of the ugly parts of our lives to just go away and never return. But then one thinks about God. God has a plan for everything. He sees the whole picture. He sees the whole plan. As we focus on just our parts, God is seeing the whole picture. To Him that picture is beautiful. Just like those four pictures I posted yesterday. They by themselves aren't that great to look at. But I had seen the whole picture. I knew how each of those four pictures fit into the bigger picture. As you looked at the pictures yesterday, you might not have understood why a person took them. But they were only part of the whole. The bigger picture is beautiful. And so is life. To God, the bigger picture is beautiful, even when we think that the parts are ugly. When you put the parts into the bigger picture, they are a part of something so very beautiful.
I posted something on facebook right after God taught me this lesson. And what I posted, best sums all of this up:
We may not understand our trials. We may not even understand how God can work through our difficult times. But while we only see the parts, God sees the whole picture. And to Him, the whole picture is beautiful. So when times are tough, we need to just trust God to work out His great plan, especially when we don't understand.
I shared this lesson with a cousin of mine and I told her the following (including the above statement I had posted on facebook):
"A person may feel as though he/she is unimportant (maybe even ugly), but that person is needed to complete the whole picture. There may also be people who others feel are unimportant (maybe even ugly), but those people are just as important to complete the whole picture like everyone else.
Those four pictures - separately, they're no good, maybe even ugly. People probably wouldn't buy them if they were each sold in a frame. But guess what - each of those four pictures are part of this main picture. Makes you think, doesn't it?"
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